This is persia eu4
This is persia eu4

this is persia eu4

  • Gain country modifier “Increased Centralization” for 20 years, with the following effects:.
  • Gain a permanent claim on every non-core province of the Persia region that it does not own.
  • Change government to Feudal Theocracy and rank to Empire.
  • Leaves the Holy Roman Empire, unless an elector or the emperor.
  • Primary culture is in the Iranian culture group, or country is Aq Qoyunlu.
  • Is not the Mughals, the Timurids, Persia, the Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Empire, the Papal State the Ottomans, Byzantium, or Arabia.
  • Playing with normal or historical nations.
  • If not using custom ideas, get the event ‘ New Traditions & Ambitions’.
  • update Mission tree to Mughal missions.
  • removes Government Reform States General if previously enacted,.
  • adds Government Reform Zabt System if government reform tier 4 was previously enacted,.
  • adds Government Reform Mansabdari System if government reform tier 3 was previously enacted,.
  • Add Government Reform Indian Sultanate.
  • If not a Monarchy, change government type to Monarchy.
  • Remove all not owned cores and permanent claims in the following regions: Persia, Khorasan, Central Asia and Caucasus.
  • Gain a permanent claim on all not owned provinces in the Indian subcontinent.
  • Adds 1 base tax, 1 base production, 1 base manpower to Delhi (522).
  • Owns one of core provinces Doaba, Lahore (507), Central Doab (524),.
  • is not a subject nation other than a tributary state.
  • it can not be a former colonial nation.
  • is in the Iranian culture group or is Turkmeni, Uzbek or Kyrgyz.
  • does not have Government reform Celestial Empire.
  • is not Persia, Mughals, Ottomans, or Holy Roman Empire.

  • This is persia eu4