Gain country modifier “Increased Centralization” for 20 years, with the following effects:. Gain a permanent claim on every non-core province of the Persia region that it does not own. Change government to Feudal Theocracy and rank to Empire. Leaves the Holy Roman Empire, unless an elector or the emperor. Primary culture is in the Iranian culture group, or country is Aq Qoyunlu. Is not the Mughals, the Timurids, Persia, the Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Empire, the Papal State the Ottomans, Byzantium, or Arabia. Playing with normal or historical nations. If not using custom ideas, get the event ‘ New Traditions & Ambitions’. update Mission tree to Mughal missions. removes Government Reform States General if previously enacted,. adds Government Reform Zabt System if government reform tier 4 was previously enacted,. adds Government Reform Mansabdari System if government reform tier 3 was previously enacted,. Add Government Reform Indian Sultanate. If not a Monarchy, change government type to Monarchy. Remove all not owned cores and permanent claims in the following regions: Persia, Khorasan, Central Asia and Caucasus. Gain a permanent claim on all not owned provinces in the Indian subcontinent. Adds 1 base tax, 1 base production, 1 base manpower to Delhi (522). Owns one of core provinces Doaba, Lahore (507), Central Doab (524),. is not a subject nation other than a tributary state. it can not be a former colonial nation. is in the Iranian culture group or is Turkmeni, Uzbek or Kyrgyz. does not have Government reform Celestial Empire. is not Persia, Mughals, Ottomans, or Holy Roman Empire.